Writing Sample #8
Upgrade notice and task to fix a previous release.
Dear ______ ,
Version 2.7.0 fixes a Version 2.6.0 issue with the two-factor authentication setup for [Product Name].
Users experienced a lockout after delays longer than three seconds when selecting an authentication method.
Here are the replacement instructions.
Login to the [Product Name] Support portal and download the version 2.7.0 installer from the Updates panel.
Run the installer. Version 2.7.0 completely uninstalls 2.6.0. The update also retains and transfers all user data to the new version.
Login to the [Product Name] Admin panel and verify your user catalog and permission settings.
Note: Any new users who register for two-factor authentication will have unlimited time to select a two-factor authentication method and finish logging in.
If you have any issues, we’re here to help. The [Product Name] implementation's 2.7.0 Release Notes and troubleshooting documentation are also available at [URL].
Last updated