Writing Sample #3
This sample is from a software demonstration guide. Much of the content is conceptual, and the intent is to provide an instructional walk-through rather than a task-oriented procedure.
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This sample is from a software demonstration guide. Much of the content is conceptual, and the intent is to provide an instructional walk-through rather than a task-oriented procedure.
Last updated
Note: I intentionally reduced the screen captures since the content is proprietary.
The OnTime admin console provides tools for staging software applications, monitoring their performance, and managing permissions.
When you are ready to stage an application, OnTime performs an automated dependency analysis across environments. The analysis ensures that staging will not impact the applications already running on the destination environment.
To deploy an application that depends on other applications to work correctly, you must deploy all the applications in the same environment. If there are conflicts between applications, OnTime helps you quickly resolve them. This scenario demonstrates how to resolve a conflict between applications within the OnTime console.
In this scenario, the Customer Portal application will be deployed to the Quality Assurance application for testing. However, the Customer Portal application depends on the Cases and CRM Services applications, also deployed on Quality Assurance.
The Customer Portal application reuses business logic from the Cases and CRM Services applications. To ensure the stability of all applications, first, deploy the Cases and CRM Services to Quality Assurance for testing.
After completing a development milestone, you can deploy the Customer Portal application to the Quality Assurance application for testing. Enhancements to the CRM Services application include new business logic that complements reuse by Customer Portal.
In this scenario, however, when you validate the plan for deploying Customer Portal to Quality Assurance, OnTime detects that Customer Portal cannot be deployed without also deploying the latest version of the CRM Services application. The result is that both applications become red, and continuing the deployment is not possible.
Click the red error message near Customer Portal to understand and resolve the dependencies conflict.
The warning means that deploying the 0.3+ version of Customer Portal will make the application unstable in the Quality Assurance application. This happens because Customer Portal is incompatible with the CRM Services application currently deployed on Quality Assurance.
Click the Show Details link for more details about why Customer Portal is incompatible.
Review the details, then click the red Error icon. The Customer Portal module depends on the Customers module from the CRM Services Application. Specifically, Customer Portal depends on the Customer_Details action, which is unavailable on the version of CRM Services currently deployed on Quality Assurance.
The latest version of CRM Services exposes the Customer_Details action as public. The solution is deploying the new CRM Services version to Quality Assurance. To reset the deployment option for CRM Services, follow these steps:
Select and click Tag & Deploy 1.4 on the CRM Services application.
Validate Now to validate the dependencies again.
the dependency conflict is resolved this time, so the deployment button changes to green.
Continue to review the deployment plan.
Since Cases, Mobile Sales, and Sales depend on the applications you are deploying to Quality Assurance, OnTime verifies them to be re-deployed.
No changes are made to these applications. They have just been recompiled and deployed to use the new CRM Services and Customer Portal versions.
You can uncheck the applications listed on the right so they are not redeployed. This makes the deployment faster, but those applications will continue using outdated references and may cause unexpected behaviors.
Review the deployment plan, add some notes, and click Deploy Now.
ℹ️ You can redeploy only those applications to which you have permission.
The latest version of Customer Portal and CRM Services are deployed to Quality Assurance. The Cases, Mobile Sales, and Sales applications are redeployed in Quality Assurance, ensuring all applications work correctly.