Writing Sample #17

This sample is from a writing test.

Instructions: Rewrite the text to make it appropriate for the user’s guide, adding headings and formatting as necessary. Indicate any places where you require additional information, have questions, or need to ask the SME for clarification.


Factory Monitor User’s Guide – Chapter 1: Getting Started

Factory Monitor is a software package used by many kinds of companies. It enables users to create systems for monitoring all kinds of conditions in plants and factories. This product works with Windows 7 Professional, Windows XP/2003 or later, 32 bit or 64 bit Windows Server 2008, and Windows 10. You can use this software on any machine that has a minimum of 100 MB harddrive space, 100 gb RAM or greater, and is running Intel 3.0GHz or more. You must also have Word and Excel because they are the systems used for the generation of output such as reports and parts lists from Factory Monitor. The types of people who will be users for this software are the Project engineers and System Integrators. Users can get started with the system in four steps. First, they have to install the software that’s on the CD. Then they need to open the software and do the configuration of the system settings. This step includes things like giving users rights to the variety of different parts of the system. There is a default user which is the system administrator. NOTE: The passwords for the system have to be eight characters in length or more and they should have some special characters. After that, users need to set up the system to monitor which kinds of situations or conditions they want to keep track of. Some examples of these things is a tank over filling and triggering an alarm. Another example is a valve that does not open properly and causes an alarm. Once users have this in place, they can figure out what they want the alarm to say when it is triggered. This is useful because you can give instructions to the people on the plant floor about how to remediate the problem.


Chapter 1: Getting Started

With Factory Monitor, you can create warning alarms to monitor various factory conditions. You can set up sensors to trigger alarms when certain conditions need immediate attention.

The instructions in this chapter are for systems engineers and integrators.

System Requirements

  • Windows 7 Professional, Windows XP/2003 or later

  • 32-bit or 64-bit Windows Server 2008 and Windows 10

  • 100 MB hard drive (minimum)

  • 100 GB RAM (minimum)

  • Intel 3.0GHz or more

  • Word and Excel to generate reports and parts lists

Setup Overview

Here are the basic steps for setting up Factory Monitor:

  1. Install the Factory Monitor system from the supplied CD.

  2. Start Factory Monitor and configure the system settings. This step includes assigning user permissions to various parts of the system. The default user is the system administrator.

    • NOTE: Factory Monitor requires you to create passwords that are eight characters or more in length. Passwords can include special characters.

  3. Decide which situations and conditions you want to monitor. For example, you could trigger an alarm when a supply tank approaches its overfill limit, or you might create an alarm for oxygen valves that are improperly opened.

  4. When you’ve listed all the events and situations to monitor, write the warning text for each alarm.

  5. Distribute the warnings to your factory floor employees to help them fix issues as they arise.

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